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Writer's pictureTay Cambronero

Australia's Drinking Culture vs. Advertisements

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

Have alcohol ads shaped Australia's drinking culture?

“There’s this really clear causal link, linking people’s exposure to alcohol advertising, and they're starting to drink or to drink more.”


We spoke to Julia Stafford and Tom Gross about the long-lasting impact of alcohol ads on Australia’s drinking culture, and the dangers of having an alcohol problem.

Julia Stafford is the alcohol program manager at Cancer Council WA. Her research has found concerning causal links between exposure to alcohol ads and the drinking habits of young Australians.

“There is effectively no regulation of alcohol marketing at the moment because the alcohol advertisers themselves are setting their own rules, and sometimes they’re not even following their own rules.”

Tom Gross is a psychologist with a history of working in drug and alcohol centres who offered his insight on the risks of alcohol abuse.

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